Monday, September 30, 2013

The Benefits of Honey

I ran across this article today.  When I was a kid my dad used to use honey to sweeten everything.  We bought honey from a guy nicknamed "Honey Bee".  That was the only name I ever knew the guy by.  Once in a while dad would get the honey in the bees wax.  My brother and I thought that was so cool, cause we chewed the wax like gum and it was sweet.  Just like regular gum your jaws got tired and you spit it out in short order.  Mom used warm water, honey and apple cider vinegar as a type of sedative when I didn't feel good.  We also used it as a cough syrup.  I can tell you I'd rather eat a teaspoon of honey than some of the cough syrups out there.  I grew up loving honey as a sweetener and then found molasses.  (By the way, did you know if you mix a little bit of molasses with milk, it tastes like chocolate milk?).  Mom and dad didn't have sweets in the house and dessert was a special thing we had once a week or so.  Honey & toast was a nice sweet type of snack for us and adding peanut butter was even better.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A contemplation

I read this today and liked it.....thought I would share.  "Whatever your life situation is, how would you feel if you completely accepted it as it is - right now?" --Eckhart Tolle.   Interesting.


About Me

I'm a country girl who loves to learn new things, some things for living and some things for fun, and other things, just because.