I’ve learned over time you don’t have to have a strict diet to make healthy eating choices. I most definitely don’t deprive myself because, for me, that only leads to binge eating. But I have found a few little tricks that help me make better choices and I’ve even lost a few pounds along the way.
- I don’t bring bad choices home from the store. I don’t buy the high calorie or high sugar snacks. If they are in the house I know I’ll eat it. If it’s not there, I’m not so tempted.
- I make healthier choices easy. I buy the already cleaned, baby carrots or I’ll get some bell peppers, wash them and cut them up and put them into snack size baggies so I can just grab one. I always have apples and/or bananas on the counter. Sometimes I’ll get grapes, then pull them off the stem, wash them and put them in snack sized bags for work or just in a bowl making them easy to eat at home. With all that done, it makes a healthy snack an easy choice.
- I cut back on the sauces, dressings and gravy. I’ve never been a gravy fan, so that was easy for me. Sauces, spreads and dressings, however, were another matter altogether. I’ve always loved them. So, I learned to cut things down to the serving size. I read every label and will only use a serving size (usually 2 tablespoons), and in some cases, even a bit less is still plenty.
- I never go to the store (any store) hungry. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. If I’m hungry I’ll always find myself wandering around a store looking for who-knows-what. And I will find it and “it” is usually something I don’t need.
- I’ll tell people around me that I’m trying to be healthier. If I do that, I always feel bad if they catch me eating sweet stuff. And the people I know will say something to me, so I’ll “save face” and just not do it…….most of the time:)
Recently I read that, according to researchers at Cornell University, data from 112 studies focused on healthy eating behaviors showed that ““better” eaters made their choices thanks to health-conscious people in their lives who took charge of their surroundings” That means if I make better choices my family may do the same.
So, these are 5 simple ideas I’ve found to help me make healthier eating choices and as a bonus possibly influence my family’s choices too, and none of them make me feel like I’m being deprived of anything. I hope you can use one or two of them too.
Do you have ideas for making healthier choices? I’d love to hear it. Every idea is another tool.
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