Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Laughing at Myself

This morning, on the way into work, instead of listening to my usual audio book or audio lecture series, I tuned into music.  The ipod, after being charged last night, turned itself to music and rather than try to drive and find my place in the book I had started, I just left it as it was. 

Even though today is dreary, gray and rainy the music gave me that morning smile I strive for, making the day seem better and the colors of the trees a bit brighter.

The music I was listening to ran from Celtic instrumental from Medwin Goodall to rock-n-roll from Breaking Benjamin to Molly Hatchet and with each song my foot just got heavier.  I found that as I listened, turning the music up, my foot began to depress the accelerator more and more until I finally had to set the cruise control so I wouldn't get a ticket.

I've been completely lucky and blessed by every God there is while driving that road, with 5 warnings and no tickets, I try not to test fate where that's concerned.  I had to laugh at myself that I couldn't keep my car at speed no matter how hard I tried. 

Anyway, despite the weather, I had an enjoyable morning, laughing at myself and listening to some incredible music.

Smile and I hope you enjoy your day!!

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About Me

I'm a country girl who loves to learn new things, some things for living and some things for fun, and other things, just because.